Daniela McArena, Gabriela Campbell, Paula Muñoz, and María Murillo are the creators of Ac2ality, a Tik Tok account where they post four to five videos everyday about the most recent events.
Ac2ality’s founding team.
Ac2ality has reached over 4 million followers on this social app. With short and engaging videos this account reaches two goals: informing a generation with a short span of attention and making profits. They have different formats. They talk about trends, and five things of today, explaining the news in one minute. Their main audience is young people and they create their content according to what they might be interested in.
Tik tok has created a new space for transmitting information. With short videos, effects, and a lot of audiovisual content this app is now the favorite among teenagers. Ac2ality has known how to engage people in 15 seconds maximum, and that is the goal for popularity and views. They also have created projects such as #EmprendedorZ, a hashtag for people with an idea or business project which consisted in recording a one-minute video for promotion. They have future plans for the account, such as interviews, and will keep creating content.
TikTok has proven itself to be a useful tool for online journalism and with 1.398 billion users it is not difficult to go viral. You can edit videos on the app in an easy way, and add titles and subtitles.